💡Introduction to Transformer

Oct 23, 2023 · 4 min read

Transformer is a really popular method in modern neural networks. We have BERT or GPT to process the natural language and ViT to deal with computer vision. In this essay, you will understand what is the transformer and why the transformer works. But be careful, limited by my knowledge, I can’t show some mathematical theories or code of transformer for you.

Why do we need the Transformer?

In the NLP( Natural Language Processing) field, the text dataset always has some obvious features that prevent us from using MLP.

  1. Too large after being encoder.

    To represent the words, we should embed them into vectors first. Generally, we use the vector of length 1024 to describe one word, meaning the data size will become large after multiplying the size of the vector(1024).

  2. Having different length

    Our inputs for the NLP problems have various lengths according to the size of passages or sentences. We should build models that adopt different size inputs.

  3. Ambiguous

    The texts don’t resemble the numbers having certain meanings from themselves. Some words like “it” refer to others in the context, which means they are ambiguous in different backgrounds.

To sum up, the features or problems we mention above prevent us from using normal structures like MLP to process natural language. So we need new things - Transformer. Let us approach this by self-attention first.


Parameter sharing

A standard neural network layer $f[x]$, take $D\times 1$ inputs and return $D'\times 1$. When we process embedding text, our input’s dimensions are changed to $D\times N$. To hold enough information in our model, we assume the size of our data remains unchanged, which means the size of outputs is also $D\times N$. Where $D$ is the size of the embedding vector, $N$ is the number of the word.

Roughly, different words have their meanings just like the dictionary shows, which inspires us to use the neural network to approximate the dictionary - mapping the words to their abstract meanings described by numbers.

$$ v=\beta_v+\Omega_vx $$

Where $x$ is embedding word, $v$ is abstract meaning of word(present by number), and $\beta_v,\Omega_v$ is the parameter mapping the words to their meanings.

As we can use one dictionary to map every word to their meanings, we can just use $\beta_v,\Omega_v$ to map every embedding word, called parameter sharing

Normally, the inputs and outputs are represented as $D\times N$ matrix, so we can rewrite our equation as follows

$$ V[X]=\beta_v1^T+\Omega_vX $$

From weight to self-attention

In the last section, we use “dictionary” to map words, but the problem is we haven’t considered the context of the words. So, how can we let our “dictionary” know the context? One simple thinking is we can give every “meaning” a weight and weighted sum the values.

$$ O[X]=V[X]\times W $$$$ W=\begin{pmatrix} w_1 &\dots &w_n \\ \vdots & &\vdots \\ w_1 & \dots &w_n \end{pmatrix} $$

How can we get this weight that measures the relationship between the words in the sentence? Inspired by the search system, we can use “queries” to match “key”. Same as we did before, we can just use linear transformation to get them.

$$ \begin{split} Q[X]=\beta_q1^T+\Omega_qX\\ K[X]=\beta_k1^T+\Omega_kX \end{split} $$

Where $\beta_q,\Omega_q,\beta_k,\Omega_q$ are also shared for every word.

Then, we can use $K$ to query the $Q$, telling us which word should pay how much attention to others. Typically, the attention should sum up as $1$, so we can use the softmax function to achieve this. Because we use $X$ to pay attention to itself, we call this Self-attention. To sum up, our model is described as follows:

$$ Sa[X]=V[X]\cdot \text{Softmax}[K[X]^TQ[X]] $$


Typically, the dot products will be really large, which means the small changes to the inputs have nearly no effect on the output because we use the softmax function. So we always use the dimension of the input, always the shape of embedding, to scale the dot products.

$$ Sa[X]=V[X]\cdot \text{Softmax}[\frac{K[X]^TQ[X]}{\sqrt{D_q}}] $$

Multiple heads

To increase the information that model learning, we always use more attention units when we calculate the output. We will divide the input to $h$ parts, and calculate the self-attention with them. After that, we will combine all of them to recreate our output.

$$ \text{MhSa}[X]=\Omega_c[Sa_1[X]^T,Sa_2[X]^T,\dots,Sa_H[X]^T]^T $$

Multiple heads
Multiple heads

Transformer layers

Transformer layers
Transformer layers

With self-attention and MLP, we can construct the transformer layers applied in many outstanding models. The process looks like this:

$$ \begin{split} X \leftarrow X+\text{MhSa}[X]\\ X\leftarrow \text{LayerNorm}[X]\\ x_n\leftarrow x_n+\text{MLP}[x_n]\\ X\leftarrow \text{LayerNorm}[X] \end{split} $$

Where $\text{MLP}$ is fully connected network works separately on each word and $\text{LayerNorm}$ is the normalization happens in the channel, like:

$$ y=\frac{x-E[x]}{\sqrt{Var[x]+\epsilon }}*\gamma+\beta $$


[1] S. J. D. Prince, Understanding Deep Learning. MIT Press, 2023.

[2] A. Vaswani et al., ‘Attention Is All You Need’, CoRR, vol. abs/1706.03762, 2017.

All photos in this article are from Understanding Deep Learning. It’s a great book and I really recommend it